On the eve of the ‘Fight of the Century’ between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, two other big shots in sports met. Jan ‘Harry’ Hooymans from Kerkdriel was introduced to the legendary Iron Mike Tyson.

Jan Hooymans vs Mike Tyson

Jan Hooymans vs Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson, known all around the globe, was one of the best boxers in the world for years on end. In Las Vegas, he met Jan Hooymans, the owner of one of the world’s best racing pigeons called ‘Harry’. The two celebrities already had contact in the past when Mike Tyson’s loft managers brought a visit to Hooymans’s lofts in Kerkdriel in 2014. When Mike and Jan met in Las Vegas, it was an informal chat which resulted in a new appointment.


Jan has given Iron Mike, who is just as obsessed by pigeons as his Dutch colleague and wishes to compete with the best, some tips about how to achieve better results. It is clear that they clicked since it is most likely that offspring from Jan’s ace bird ‘Harry’ will reinforce Iron Mike’s family of birds in the future.
To be continued!