One of the biggest pigeon-fanciers in the world, Mr. Florea Sorin, and his team, present a fantastic group of pigeons for you!

sorin Florea

As many already know Mr. Sorin has invested a huge amount of pigeons during the last years – and all pigeons from the top shelfs, from the best fanciers in the world – just to mention some of them:
Marcel Aelbrecht, Albert Derwa, Bart Geerinckx, Benny Steveninck, De Rauw-Sablon, Dirk Van Dyck, Erik Limbourg, Gaby Vandenabeele, Gaston Van De Wouwer, Gerard Koopman, Gino Clicque, Günter Prange, Eijerkamp, Herman Beverdam, Hugo Batenburg, Jan Hooymans, Leo Heremans, Louis Van Loon etc. etc. etc.

florea sorin





Therefore we are proud to be able to auction a very big group of pigeons from Team Floria Sorin. Because of different circumstances Mr. Sorin is forced to move his lofts to another location, thats the reason why he has chosen to sell all these wonderful pigeons.
And what a fantastic opportunity for all our friends all over the world – to be able to acquire pigeons of such quality!

You can see the auctions here:

  1. Part I 

  2. Part II

  3. Part III

  4. Part IV


We wish you all the best of luck bidding!